Getting Referrals from General Practitioners


One of the mainstays of a health professional is their communication with other health professionals. This unit provides a guide into improving professional communication between Clinical Hypnotherapists and General Practitioner (GP). The unit provides an overview of the reasons for writing to General Practitioners and your client's primary health carers.


Topics include: Professional Communications, What to write, When to write, Mandatory Reporting, Privacy and examples of an Intake form, Letters, Services Available and Referral forms.  The aim of this unit is to:

  1. Provide basic information on writing to client’s GP;
  2. Demonstrate content of letters written to GPs; and
  3. Discuss adaptability when writing to client's other health professionals.
CPD Hrs. 1 hour (approx.) inclusive of listening to lectures and performing learning tasks.
Location Online - via Moodle
Assessment No Assessment.
Award Certificate of Completion will be emailed after feedback sheet is completed.
Fee AUD$29.90 (The fees for this unit are in Australian Dollars.)

To gain access to a course you need to:
     1. Go to our online educational platform called Moodle
     2. Create a new free account (or log in if you have an account);
     3. Self enrol in the unit.

NOTE: Self enrolment is available for all courses.
If you need assistance, you can contact the Academy on +61 2 9415 6500 or by email.

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