TA & Gestalt in Hypnotherapy - CPDTAG501

To provide participants with the knowledge and skills to demonstrate competent usage of Transactional Analysis and Gestalt Techniques. Subjects include:
  • Gestalt Empty Chair/Hypnotic Empty Chair
  • Transactional Analysis/Miniscript and Lifescript
  • Implementing the Lifescript
  • Selection/Avoidance Criteria for techniques in this unit Implementing the Lifescript
It is therefore recommended, that CPDHT1CON be undertaken prior to any of the above mentioned lectures as it is designed to enhance the learning you gain from them.

CPD Hours:
45 hours (Online 9, Private Directed Study 36). (Optional assessment add approx 3 hours.)

Online – Via Moodle

No Assessment (assessment TAG602AS is optional)

Certificate of Completion will be emailed after feedback sheet is completed.

Unit Fee: USD$500.00 Assessment fee: USD$185.00

To gain access to a unit you need to:
1. Go to our online educational platform called Moodle
2. Create a new free account (or log in if you have an account);
3. Self enrol in the unit

* Note:  Self enrolment is available for all courses.
If you need assistance, you can contact the Academy on (02) 9415 6500 or by email.

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