This symbol represents the Australian Traditional-Medicine Society (ATMS). The Academy’s professional graduates automatically receive ‘Practitioner Status’ when they join the Society. Tel: (02) 9809 6800 Website: |
This symbol represents the Australian Hypnotherapists’ Association (AHA) – the oldest independent professional hypnotherapy association in Australia. Academy graduates are eligible for 'Professional' level AHA membership. Tel: 1800 067 557 Website: |
This symbol represents the Australian Society of Clinical Hypnotherapists. Academy graduates are eligible for ASCH membership. Tel: 1300 85 1176 Website: |
This logo represents the Australian Society of Hypnosis (ASH). The ASH has endorsed this course. Students who complete this course will receive Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) for the ASH Introductory Course.
This symbol represents the Professional Hypnotherapists of Australia Inc (PHA). Academy graduates are eligible for PHA membership. Tel: 0412 040 079 Website: |
This symbol represents the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) which is the organisation accredits medical practitioner's (GP's) ongoing education. Various units meet accredited standards. Tel: (02) 9886 4700 Website: |