Academy of Applied Hypnosis
Undertake initial training or advanced your skills with our flexible online courses from a specialist hypnosis and clinical hypnotherapy educator.

A Bit About
Academy of Applied Hypnosis
The Academy is a specialist hypnosis and clinical hypnotherapy educator. After achieving the first Government Accreditation for Clinical Hypnotherapy in the Australia’s Vocational Education Training Sector we have now focussed on Health Practitioner education and Advanced Techniques for Health Practitioners with hypnosis training and existing Clinical Hypnotherapists. This training is internet-based (study where and when you wish) with electronic and in-house support.
Dr Cowen also provides ongoing Supervision and Mentoring in both individual and group formats. He is unique in having achieved his PhD in Clinical Hypnotherapy Education from the School of Medicine, University of Western Sydney. With over 40 years as a Clinical Hypnotherapist, 30 years as an educator and extensive professional publications he is not only a leader in the profession but arguably one of the most experienced clinical hypnotherapists and clinical hypnotherapy educators internationally.
Academy of Applied Hypnosis
Mission Statement
Hypnotic and Counselling theory are presented in a functional form, giving practical instruction in the application of hypnosis and counselling at both personal and professional levels.
All training, whether personal or vocational, is competency based & each individual’s capacity to realise his or her unique potential is honoured and developed within the framework of our credo:
Se Adiuvare.
(Translation: To Help Oneself)
Dr Leon W. Cowen
Leon commenced practice as a Clinical Hypnotherapist in 1974 and is an acknowledged leader in the profession.
In his busy practice he assists his clients, accepts referrals from various health professionals including Medical Practitioners, Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Counsellors, Nurses, Naturopaths, Acupuncturists, Chiropractors, Osteopaths and Clinical Hypnotherapists. Dr Leon is an accredited WorkCover Provider (Approval Number: 8613). He lectures at universities, hospitals and conferences on specialist hypnotherapy techniques and is a prolific writer of articles for professional journals and public media. As the Executive Director of The Academy of Applied Hypnosis he brings his immense experience into the Academy’s training.

Dr Leon W. Cowen – AdvDipCH, PhD (Clinical Hypnotherapy)
Accreditations & Links

Australian Traditional-Medicine Society (ATMS)
Academy professional graduates receive ‘Practitioner Status’ when they join the Society.
Phone: (02) 9809 6800

Australian Hypnotherapists’ Association (AHA)
Academy graduates are eligible for ‘Professional’ level AHA membership.
Phone: 1800 067 557

Australian Society of Clinical Hypnotherapists
Academy graduates are eligible for ASCH membership.
Phone: 1300 851 176

Hypnotherapy Council of Australia
This National Hypnotherapists Register provides you with relevant information to help you find a qualified, accredited Hypnotherapist.
Phone: 1300 851 176

Australian Society of Hypnosis (ASH)
Completed courses receive Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) for the ASH Introductory Course.
Phone: (02) 9747 4691

Australian Counselling Association
A leading national peak body for the counselling and psychotherapy profession.
Phone: (07) 3356 4255

Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP)
Accredits medical practitioner’s (GP’s) ongoing education. Units meet accredited standards.
Phone: (02) 9886 4700

Psychotherapy & Counselling Federation of Australia (PACFA)
A leading national peak body for the counselling and psychotherapy profession.
Phone: (03) 9046 2270

Why Choose Us?
We Are Focused On Achieving The Best Results
Clinical Hypnotherapy is a very rewarding profession. Becoming a Clinical Hypnotherapist can provide the independence of self-employment, the satisfaction of helping others, and the security of earning a comfortable living.